C-FXVI Alon A2A Aircoupe

C-FXVI is a 1966 Alon A2A Aircoupe.

The Aircoupe is the next to last implementation of Fred Weik's famous Ercoupe design of 1936, the first plane to use tricycle landing gear. The last model was built by Mooney from 1967 to 1970 and was called the M10 Cadet.

The Aircoupe is a 2+2 design, featuring a slide-back canopy and a distinctive twin-tail.

XVI is Serial Number 161. It has a Continental C90 engine which was zeroed in 1992. The plane is white with blue stripes. The aircraft is outfitted with a TKM flip-flop navcom, a Narco mode C transponder and portable ELT.

Michael uses the plane owned by his brother David of Saskatoon Saskatchewan. David was the 1993 Canadian Aerobatic Champion (Sportsman Class) and he also owns and flies a Pitts S2S, and a Taylorcraft. His 13-year-old daughter Alison also has about 500 hours logged to date!